Gujarat police have been able to convince a Mumbai court and hence will soon get the custody of two senior Naxal leaders from Nagpur. So far, police were unable to the get the custody of these leaders who were allegedly involved in Naxal activities in Gujarat in the past.
Gujarat police had previously submitted papers for transfer warrant of Vishnu Shreedhar and Vikram alias Vernon Gonzalez, state committee secretary of Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) Janashakti. However, they were unsuccessful. The argument of the accused and their lawyers was that they are in jail since long and the demand of Gujarat police for custody had no basis.
Changing their strategy, Gujarat police decided to send district government pleader at Surat district and sessions court, Nayan Sukhadwala, to represent the case in the court. Following his submission, the court agreed to the transfer warrant and ordered their custody to Gujarat police.
Both the accused are in Nagpur jail as they have cases against them in Nagpur and Mumbai courts. The special investigation team of Gujarat police will take the custody of the accused from Nagpur on Tuesday. They will be brought to Surat for further investigation. "We will finally get the custody of the two accused from Nagpur following the court order. Both the accused are important in the investigation, considering their involvement in the Naxal activities," says A K Singh, inspector general of police, Surat range.
Police have arrested 14 suspected Naxals so far. The arrested suspects are Niranjan Mohapatra, K N Singh, Maka Chaudhary, Avinash Kulkarni, Ramu Puwar, Bharat Puwar, Sulat Puwar, Jayram Goswami, Satyam Rao, Vishwanath Iyer, Surya Dewra Prabhakar, Venkataiya Kuttupatti, Abdul Shakil Pasha and Amar alias Devanna.
Gujarat police had previously submitted papers for transfer warrant of Vishnu Shreedhar and Vikram alias Vernon Gonzalez, state committee secretary of Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) Janashakti. However, they were unsuccessful. The argument of the accused and their lawyers was that they are in jail since long and the demand of Gujarat police for custody had no basis.
Changing their strategy, Gujarat police decided to send district government pleader at Surat district and sessions court, Nayan Sukhadwala, to represent the case in the court. Following his submission, the court agreed to the transfer warrant and ordered their custody to Gujarat police.
Both the accused are in Nagpur jail as they have cases against them in Nagpur and Mumbai courts. The special investigation team of Gujarat police will take the custody of the accused from Nagpur on Tuesday. They will be brought to Surat for further investigation. "We will finally get the custody of the two accused from Nagpur following the court order. Both the accused are important in the investigation, considering their involvement in the Naxal activities," says A K Singh, inspector general of police, Surat range.
Police have arrested 14 suspected Naxals so far. The arrested suspects are Niranjan Mohapatra, K N Singh, Maka Chaudhary, Avinash Kulkarni, Ramu Puwar, Bharat Puwar, Sulat Puwar, Jayram Goswami, Satyam Rao, Vishwanath Iyer, Surya Dewra Prabhakar, Venkataiya Kuttupatti, Abdul Shakil Pasha and Amar alias Devanna.
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