A couple from Wani, Yavatmal, alleged on Sunday that they were forced to part with Rs 5,000 by four constables at Kachipura police chowky, under the jurisdiction of Sitabuldi police station. The man in his twenties complained he was threatened with criminal action, slapped and his mobile phone taken away.
Sachin Palekar (name changed) said he had come to the city a day or two ago. On Sunday, he picked up two female friends from the Ganeshpeth bus station. Palekar was to accompany the girls to their examination centres, where they were to appear for the staff selection tests for the income tax department.
"One of my friends had her examination at Patwardhan High School at 10am. The other friend had her examination at 2pm at Itwari. So we decided to spend some time together at Maharaj Bagh," Palekar told TOI at Sitabuldi police station.
Palekar and his friend were seated inside the car parked behind a tree close to the parking lot. A policeman, who was on duty to distribute summons, reached the place on his official bike. He had apparently already summoned three other cops from Kachipura police chowky. The policemen on bikes soon surrounded the couple and dragged them to the Kachipura police chowky, where the youth was threatened, harassed and manhandled. They were forced to pay Rs 5,000 in return for not facing prosecution.
Soon afterwards, though, Sitabuldi police were scrambling to save face as the youth revealed he had captured the police atrocity on his mobile phone camera. The phone was also taken away by the cops. However, when the youth said he would lodge a complaint, the cops ran to pacify them.
The cops finally managed to convince the girl, apparently the daughter of a police sub-inspector, to take back their complaint. The cops also returned the extorted amount and the mobile phone to the man with her.
A senior sub-inspector told TOI that the couple was not interested in lodging a formal complaint. "The girl being the daughter of an officer refrained from lodging a complaint," said the officer. He added, "We have already sent a confidential report against the policemen in question and it is now up to the seniors to decide their fate. The incident has been also noted in the station house diary and so we already have a formal record of the episode. Offences were not registered as the complainant was not ready."
Sitabuldi police station sources said that a senior officer has recorded the statement of the three constables who allegedly extorted the amount from the couple.
Sachin Palekar (name changed) said he had come to the city a day or two ago. On Sunday, he picked up two female friends from the Ganeshpeth bus station. Palekar was to accompany the girls to their examination centres, where they were to appear for the staff selection tests for the income tax department.
"One of my friends had her examination at Patwardhan High School at 10am. The other friend had her examination at 2pm at Itwari. So we decided to spend some time together at Maharaj Bagh," Palekar told TOI at Sitabuldi police station.
Palekar and his friend were seated inside the car parked behind a tree close to the parking lot. A policeman, who was on duty to distribute summons, reached the place on his official bike. He had apparently already summoned three other cops from Kachipura police chowky. The policemen on bikes soon surrounded the couple and dragged them to the Kachipura police chowky, where the youth was threatened, harassed and manhandled. They were forced to pay Rs 5,000 in return for not facing prosecution.
Soon afterwards, though, Sitabuldi police were scrambling to save face as the youth revealed he had captured the police atrocity on his mobile phone camera. The phone was also taken away by the cops. However, when the youth said he would lodge a complaint, the cops ran to pacify them.
The cops finally managed to convince the girl, apparently the daughter of a police sub-inspector, to take back their complaint. The cops also returned the extorted amount and the mobile phone to the man with her.
A senior sub-inspector told TOI that the couple was not interested in lodging a formal complaint. "The girl being the daughter of an officer refrained from lodging a complaint," said the officer. He added, "We have already sent a confidential report against the policemen in question and it is now up to the seniors to decide their fate. The incident has been also noted in the station house diary and so we already have a formal record of the episode. Offences were not registered as the complainant was not ready."
Sitabuldi police station sources said that a senior officer has recorded the statement of the three constables who allegedly extorted the amount from the couple.
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