Film fest, nature trail to protect environment

With environmental crisis touching many sensitive souls, yet another initiative to shield nature from being further ruined has been undertaken by Vasundhara Club, Pune.

The 'save nature' effort is aimed at bringing to light degradation of natural, life sustaining elements and loss of biodiversity through Kirloskar Vasundhara International Film Festival in which 35 films from 10 different countries will be screened in 22 cities of Maharashtra. Nagpur is one of the cities where a three-day event has been organised in collaboration with Nirzar Film Society.

In tune with the cause, a cycle rally will announce the start of the festival on Friday which will be followed by the inaugural programme.

On Saturday, a nature trail for children has been planned at Seminary Hills followed by a film screening at Vansabhagruha. At 1pm the same day, an environment status report will be discussed by the panel members along with people in general. On Sunday, there will be a tour of children to Maharajbagh where significance of biodiversity will be highlighted. Two individuals and an organisation will be felicitated with Vasundhara Mitra Award and Vasundhara Sanman Award respectively for their contribution towards protecting and tendering Mother Nature in various ways.

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