A bond of love,

A medal of trust.

A shoulder in sadness,

A hand in darkness.

A special relation to hold,

An ear where secrets can be told.

An appreciator for encouragement,

Something that doesn’t cost.

A jewel never to be lost.

Is the magic called


The ball can escape from bat,

The rat can escape from cat,

But you cannot escape from

“My Heart you are always my good friend”

Our friendship will never end.

In life..

Some know you..

Some remember you..

Some like you..

Some understand you..

Some care for you..


A True friend does all above &

Always hopes the best for you..

Friend in different lanaguages…

Iranian – DOST

German – FREUND

Hebrew – CHAVER

French – AMi

Pinoy – KAiBiGAN

Dutch – VREND

Mexican – AMiGO

Friends are like sketch pens -

They color your lives.

I may be not your favorite color

But you will need me some day

To complete your picture..!!

To live a life I need heartbeat,

To have heartbeat I need a heart,

To have heart I need happiness,

To have happiness I need a friend,

And for a friend I need you…Always

Friendship opens many doors, each with a different view.

But none could be more beautiful, than the one that leads to you..!!

The rain may be falling hard outside,

But your smile makes it all alright.

I’m so glad that you’re my friend.

I know our friendship will never end.

Never abandon old friends. They are hard to replace. A friendship is like wine: it gets better as it grows older. Just like us… I get Better and You get older.

As I saw ants crawl up the wall, I noticed that no matter how busy they are, they still stop and communicate with each other. I hope we can be like them.

To live a life i need heartbeat, 2 have heartbeat i need a heart, 2 have heart i need happiness, to have happiness i need a friend, and 4 a friend i need U.ALWAYS

Moon said to me, if ur friend is not messaging u why dont you leave ur friend.I looked at moon and said does ur sky ever leave u when u dont shine.

Sweetness can be defined without honey.

Fragnance can be defined without Rose.

But, friendship can’t be defined without YOU.

A daily thought

A silent tear

A Constant wish

That you are near…

Words are few

But thoughts are deep…

Memories of our friendship

I will always keep

Friend is one, who (F)inds you in a (R)ush of people, (I)nspires you to do something in life, catch your (E)motions and (N)ever leaves you till (D)eath.

Friendship is not a big fire which burns all day. Its a small lamp, that burns till the last day of life.

Your validity of being my friend is going to be expired today, please recharge your friendship immediately by delivering 4-5 sweet & cool messages. So hurry

Someone asked me 4 how long will you both be friends?

I remained silent because

I didn’t know which is longer..

“Always” or “Forever”

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