While the BJP was extending support for Anna Hazare's agitation against corruption, office bearers of Bhandara Zilla Parishad (ZP) were reportedly enjoying an anniversary party at Tuli International Hotel in Nagpur, with expenses paid by deputy CEO of the ZP with money from the exchequer.
The office bearers were celebrating completion of one year of BJP rule in the ZP last month. Officially, the celebrations were to be in the form of going to rural folk and informing them about various schemes meant for them. The proposal was accepted, with plans to inaugurate it with a state-level BJP leader. However, even after a month, no particulars regarding the date or venue were conveyed to the members.
However, on August 19, office bearers and members of the ZP got a message regarding a meeting at Tuli International Hotel at Nagpur from the deputy CEO of ZP. ZP president, vice president, four subject committee chairmen and heads of every department reached the hotel for the 'meeting' and had an hourlong meeting.
According to the deputy CEO of ZP, it was a coordination meeting of office bearers and officers to sort out differences and plan development strategy for the ZP.
Immediately after the meeting, there was a grand party, complete with a sumptuous lunch and a movie at INOX theatre. The expenses of the party were allegedly paid by the deputy CEO from the ZP account.
BJP ZP members Arvind Bhaladhare and Babu Thawakar expressed their displeasure at the expenditure on the meeting. They alleged that they were deliberately kept away from the meeting since they were against it, and said this issue would be raised at the party forum too.
ZP vice president Deepak Gajbhiye said, "I came to know of the extravaganza when I reached the venue. I am not very happy with the happening."
Ironically, the ZP president had tonsured his head to express support for Anna's agitation, but he himself attended the meeting and enjoyed the party, sources said.
When asked about this issue, ZP CEO Madhavi Khode told TOI that the meeting should have been held in Bhandara itself. She added, "The expenses of this party will be recovered from the concerned deputy CEO who organized the party."
The office bearers were celebrating completion of one year of BJP rule in the ZP last month. Officially, the celebrations were to be in the form of going to rural folk and informing them about various schemes meant for them. The proposal was accepted, with plans to inaugurate it with a state-level BJP leader. However, even after a month, no particulars regarding the date or venue were conveyed to the members.
However, on August 19, office bearers and members of the ZP got a message regarding a meeting at Tuli International Hotel at Nagpur from the deputy CEO of ZP. ZP president, vice president, four subject committee chairmen and heads of every department reached the hotel for the 'meeting' and had an hourlong meeting.
According to the deputy CEO of ZP, it was a coordination meeting of office bearers and officers to sort out differences and plan development strategy for the ZP.
Immediately after the meeting, there was a grand party, complete with a sumptuous lunch and a movie at INOX theatre. The expenses of the party were allegedly paid by the deputy CEO from the ZP account.
BJP ZP members Arvind Bhaladhare and Babu Thawakar expressed their displeasure at the expenditure on the meeting. They alleged that they were deliberately kept away from the meeting since they were against it, and said this issue would be raised at the party forum too.
ZP vice president Deepak Gajbhiye said, "I came to know of the extravaganza when I reached the venue. I am not very happy with the happening."
Ironically, the ZP president had tonsured his head to express support for Anna's agitation, but he himself attended the meeting and enjoyed the party, sources said.
When asked about this issue, ZP CEO Madhavi Khode told TOI that the meeting should have been held in Bhandara itself. She added, "The expenses of this party will be recovered from the concerned deputy CEO who organized the party."
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